How to pay a subcontractor from time sheet entries

To pay a subcontractor or a vendor for timesheet entries, create a report that totals the number of hours worked. Then enter a bill or write a check for that vendor.

Step 1: Create a Time Activities by Employee report

  1. Go to the Reports menu.
  2. Find and open a Time Activities by Employee Detail report.
  3. Select Customize.
  4. Select a time period under Time Activity Date. Adjust the dates or enter the date range in the fields.
  5. In the Filter section, select the vendor from the Employee dropdown. Or if you want all of them on one report, check multiple names.
  6. Select Run report.

Note: If the timesheet entries are billable, the Amount column will show what you are charging your customer, and most likely more than you are paying your vendor.

This report is usually created to get total hours. But if you bill your customers the same amount as you pay your vendors, you can use the amount column for the total owed to your subcontractor.

Multiply the number of hours by the hourly rate you pay your subcontractor. Select + New. Then create a bill or write a check.

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