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Import your chart of accounts to QuickBooks Online

4 min read

Learn how to import your chart of accounts to QuickBooks Online from a spreadsheet.

QuickBooks uses your chart of accounts to organize all your accounting. When you set up your company, QuickBooks customizes your chart of accounts for you. Instead of manually entering your accounts, you can import a spreadsheet of custom accounts or your existing accounts from another QuickBooks Online or Desktop company file.

Here’s how to import your accounts from a spreadsheet.

Tip: The best time to import accounts is when you’re still setting up your company in QuickBooks.
If you don’t have a lot of accounts to add, you can create new accounts instead.

Step 1: Format your spreadsheet #

You can import your chart of accounts using a spreadsheet in Excel, Google Sheets, or a CSV file. Here’s how to format your spreadsheet so you can import it to QuickBooks.

  1. Open your existing spreadsheet of accounts or create a new one. Or, export your chart of accounts from another QuickBooks company.
  2. Make sure you have these columns in your spreadsheet:
      • Account Name
      • Type
      • Detail Type
      • Number

    Note: If you don’t know about types and detail types in QuickBooks, you can leave these fields blank and add them later.

  3. If you organize your accounts by number, add an Account Number column. Or skip this if you don’t use account numbers.
  4. If you have a sub-account, add it in the Account Name column in this format: Main account: sub-account. For example, Utilities: Gas. See the table below for more examples of how to format sub-accounts.
  5. If it looks correct, save your spreadsheet in Google Sheets, Excel or CSV format.

Here’s a sample of how your spreadsheet should look. You can also download our sample spreadsheet if you need more examples.

 Account Number  Account Name  Type Detail Type
 112720 Checking Account – Bank of America  Bank Checking
Money Market – First National Bank  Bank Money Market
 63200 Utilities: Gas  Expenses  Utilities
 68100 Utilities: Telephone  Expenses Utilities

Step 2: Upload your spreadsheet #

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online.
  2. Select Settings ⚙. Then select Import Data.
  3. Select Chart of Accounts.
  4. To upload a file from your computer, select Browse and choose the file. Then select Open.
  5. Or, to upload from Google Sheets, select Connect to sign into your Google account. Choose the correct file, and then Select.
  6. Select Next.

Step 3: Map your spreadsheet fields to QuickBooks fields #

Once you upload your spreadsheet, map your accounts so they import correctly.

  1. In the Your Field column, select the small arrow ▼ icon and match the names to the QuickBooks Online field for:
    • Detail Type
    • Account Name
    • Account number
    • Type
  2. With the exception of Account Name, you can select No Match if there’s a field that doesn’t have a matching column in your spreadsheet. For example, if you don’t use account numbers.
  3. Select Next.

Step 4: Import your chart of accounts #

You’re almost finished. Check everything one last time before you import your accounts.

  1. If you haven’t yet, be sure to add types and detail types.
    Tip: Focus on getting the account types right first. Then select the detail types that fit the transactions you want to track.
  2. If you see a field highlighted in red, hover over the highlighted field to see what you need to fix.
  3. Uncheck any account you don’t want to save.
  4. If everything looks good, select Import.

Step 5: Enter opening balances for accounts #

Once all your accounts are in QuickBooks, you’ll need to enter your opening balances for bank, credit card, and other accounts. An opening balance is the starting point for the account you create in QuickBooks. Here’s how to enter your opening balance:

  1. Go to Settings ⚙ and then Chart of Accounts.
  2. Find your bank or credit card account.
  3. In the Action column, select the small arrow ▼ icon. Then select Edit.
  4. Select the small arrow ▼ icon under When do you want to start tracking your finances from this account in QuickBooks? Then choose the date you want to start tracking your finances for the account.
  5. In the Account Balance field, enter the account balance for the date you selected. Learn more about opening balances.
  6. Select Save and Close.

Note: If a transaction has already been allocated to the account, you will need to record a journal entry for the opening balance.

Next steps: Download your transactions to QuickBooks #

To download your account transactions, you can connect your bank or credit card accounts to QuickBooks. QuickBooks will download and categorize your transactions so you can review and approve them.

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