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If you have an HP printer wherein you are encountering the B0605 error, then you must know how to fix the issue. Mostly HP printers work efficiently and are brilliant devices that are used both in offices and homes. However, just like any machine, it tends to show errors. If you are facing a B0605 error printer, then either you can troubleshoot the same by yourself, or you can reach on the Customer Care number to talk with the experts. If you are planning to troubleshoot the problem, then this blog is meant for you.

Reason for the error- #

The specific reason due to which the error flashes is because the firmware gets crashed or because of the incapability of the booting process in the ready state. Below is enlisted the method that will help in solving the issue. It is important that the troubleshoot is done carefully. Mentioned under two  method. One is when the printer software driver is already on the PC and another when it is not found on the PC. You can select the type as per your requirement.


Placing printer in boot mode- #

Type 1- #

This method works when the printer software driver is already installed on the PC. Steps to be undertaken under this type are-

  1. a) Placing printer in boot code mode- In this step, the printer is placed in the boot code mode. For this, the cancel and ok buttons are held down. For activating this mode, these buttons have to be held while the printer is switched on.
  2. b) Ensure connectivity- One needs to ensure that the printer is connected to PC along USB.
  3. c) Option selection- This is the last step of the method where the HP printer is selected from the drop-down list and send firmware button is clicked.

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