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The canon printers contain an internal counter that keeps track of the number of pages that have been printed and how many times a clean up has been done and so on. These counters are used to determine the amount of waste ink that might be gathered at the base of the printer. When the canon printer believes that the waste ink tank is full, the printer not printing and gives you an error message “canon printer error 6c10”.

Fix  error 6c10 without any problem #

The Canon printers have an affinity to determine the level of the waste tank wrongly. So, you can usually print more, just by resetting the internal counter. In this step-by-step article on how to fix canon printer error 6c10, you will learn just that.

Firstly, we will try to clean the foam that collects the waste ink. This should hopefully clear the error.

Step 1: Undo the lid of the printer and allow the cartridge carrier inside the printer to center itself. When the cartridge carrier is centered, you will see a row of white rollers behind the carrier on the right side.

Step 2: Clean the plastic. At the end of the rollers, you will find a small plastic piece that is clear and is sticking out. Take a small piece of a soft cloth or a paper towel to wipe the ink from this plastic. After cleaning the plastic, make sure that you clean the ink pad as well.

Step 3: Clean the foam pad. From the piece of plastic towards the front, you will find a small square object that looks like a foam pad. This is where the printer collects the excess ink. Use a clean piece of paper towel and press into the foam pad. Keep cleaning this pad until the paper towel does not gather any more ink from the pad.

Step 4: Restart the printer. After cleaning everything, put everything back into its original position and plug in the printer again. This should fix your problem. If not, we will need to restart the ink absorber counter.

To reset the ink absorber counter, perform the following steps: –

Step 1: Switch off the printer.

Step 2: Press and hold the Resume button.

Step 3: Next, press and hold the Power button at the same time. This will make the green LED light up.

Step 4: Holding the power button, release the resume button.

Step 5: Press the resume button twice and then release both the buttons together.

Step 6: Press the resume button four times and then immediately press the Power button.

The above sequence of moves should reset the ink absorber counter on the printer. After you have performed this step, unplug the device and plug it again.

If you have cleaned the foam collector as well as reset the ink absorber counter, your question on how to fix canon printer error 6c10 has been successfully answered. If not, you will need to contact the customer support team to help you fix your problem.

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