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HP has always been our go-to brand if we want to search for laptops, desktop or any other hardware devices. People always choose HP over every other brand because of its brand value. It is one of the most trustworthy brands in India as well as abroad. Most of the hardware devices related to computers are being supplied by HP.  Every electronic device has a lifespan spreading for a year or more. The devices which are supplied by HP normally stretch for a lifetime of two to three years or even more than that. So you can use it easily for about two years. Still while using any electronic devices, people can face problems related to any technical problems or internal or external issues at any point of time of usage. In this case, you can do two things:

  • If your device is less than a year old and under warranty period, then you can opt to give your machine to the customer care service to repair your device.
  • If your device is not under the warranty, then you can repair it yourself or hire a technician to repair your device

 How To Fix HP Error Code 0xc0000225 ? #

To Fix HP Error Code 0xc0000225 we first have to know the problem in detail. In this type of problem, what happens is that a device stops or it doesn’t connect with the main device of the surface of the disk is dirty thus the device cannot be connected properly. Other than this, the other problems based on which the device can show this type of error are invalid objects in boot configuration, system restore or recovery path in a USB drive.

To fix this problem we have to follow the following steps: #

Step 1: HDD and memory test. To complete this follow the instructions:

  • Turn off the notebook
  • Press power on button and keep tapping escape key to open the startup
  • Choose BIOS “F10” under Advances or Diagnostic Tab
  • Look the facility to run tests on both memory and HDD.

Step 2: Select advanced startup option

  • Press the power button and begin to tap the F11 on your keyboard
  • You will see “ Advanced startup option” option
  • Then select “Repair your computer option”
  • If this does not work, repeat the step 2 process

Step 3: Recover your system

  • Use the F11 key while starting the notebook
  • Select the internet DVD drive
  • Under “recovery manager” select “ system recovery option”
  • Follow the on-screen step to complete the process.

If you follow these steps manually then it is easy to solve the problem. If you still cannot solve the problem then it is advisable to contact the customer care service to solve your problem or any technical issue which you are facing with your device from the given customer care number in their website. Other than that if you follow the above-given steps then you can easily solve the problem on your own.

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