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If you have a Ricoh printer that is showing the above error, then you can follow the below methods for resolving the Ricoh Printer Error J001.

Method 1-  Cleaning the printer  #

Because a tiny piece of paper can cause this error, therefore, this step aims at cleaning the printer. The steps involved in this method are-

  1. Switch off the printer by clicking on the power button
  2. Unplug the power cord of the printer
  3. Disconnect other cables attached to the printer
  4. Get a bright flashlight
  5. Open every tray, lid, paper feed and others and using the flashlight see for any object present.
  6. If any dust and debris is detected then softly clean all of them
  7. Connect the cables
  8. Plug the power cord of the printer
  9. Switch on the printer by clicking on the power button
  10. See if the printer is printing or not.

If the above method is unable to solve the issue then you can practice the next method.

Method 2- Blow compressed air  #

This method aims at passing compressed air with the aim of cleaning dirt. Steps to be taken are-

  1. Open the doors of the printer and blow compressed air over the paper course.
  2. Try to blow air into sensing units for cleaning dirt collected over them because of paper dirt.

This method might work if your sensing unit has not been working because of paper dirt.

Method 3- Passing air inside feed roller  #

This method blows air onto feed roller. Steps to be done under this method are-

  1. Locate the Feed roller- Feed roller is responsible for feeding paper into the machine and is visible when the paper tray is removed. The first step, therefore, is of locating the feed roller by removing the paper tray. This roller is big and grey with gouges over it. It is on this roller that the paper rest.
  2. Blowing air- Once when the roller is located the aim is to blow air into the same.

Method 4- Cleaning the roller  #

In this method, the roller is cleaned as one of the possible reasons for this problem to appear could be the dust inside the roller. If you have D-ink or rubber rejuvenator then lint-free towel could be used for cleaning the roller.

Method 5- Scanning Computer  #

Within this method, the computer is scanned along the Windows Registry Repair tool. Also, it is a possibility that one might require to boot the computers for completing the scanning activity.

Method 6- Talk to the experts  #

If you are unable to solve the error even after following all the above steps then you should talk to the experts. You need to dial Ricoh printer customer support number for best assistance.

So practice the methods and print without any error using your high-quality Ricoh printer. There’s your query on how to fix Ricoh printer error j001 answered.




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