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If you want to scan a document using Lexmark printer and save the same in your computer, then follow the below steps. In this article are steps that will help you and provide tips on how to scan a document from Lexmark printer to computer.

  • Ensure printer and computer connection- In this step one needs to ensure that both printer and computer are connected and working. In case they are not connected or working then proper connection needs to be made between them.
  • Load original document- In this step an original document is loaded face down inside the ADF or within the scanner glass.
  • Click on Scan mode- In this step the scan mode is pressed.
  • Press arrows- The left and right arrows are pressed in this step till one does not reach the destination of their scan.
  • Click on Start Color/ Start Black- In this step the option of scan needs to be chosen. One can chose between color and black scan.
  • This step calls for saving of the scan. For this purpose, the save option needs to be first clicked. Later the name of the file and format is to be entered and the location must be chosen. Once done the save option should be selected.

Things to note: #

While you are performing the scan activity you need to note down the below important points-

  • ADF must be used for multiple pages. This means that it is appropriate for A4, letter or for legal sized documents.
  • Scanner for single pages- The scanner needs to be used for single pages. Some common examples include photo paper, postcards, magazine clippings and others.

Thus, undertake the above-mentioned steps carefully and scan document using your Lexmark printer to further save it in your PC. In case your printer is having an issue, you must contact an expert for assistance.

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