Arizona Department of Economic Security

The Department of Economic Security (DES) is the safety net agency for the State of Arizona.  As one of the largest agencies in state government, DES serves more than 2 million Arizonans annually through more than 40 programs that address the social and economic needs of those we serve.  DES’s more than 8,000 employees serve Arizonans from Phoenix to Tucson, Yuma to Flagstaff and from Douglas to Page. The agency’s tagline: “Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona” is intended to frame the work efforts toward growing the capacity of Arizonans in need of safety net services, and where possible, reduce their dependency on those vital supports.

Here is a list of main services provided by DES, classified by the DES client’s needs:



Managed IT Support IT Consulting Services In Los Angeles

What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services are the holistic, all-inclusive approach to network consulting. A Managed Services Provider (MSP) takes responsibility for the entire IT infrastructure on an ongoing basis. For a fixed monthly retainer, we provide the gamut of IT services automatically, guaranteeing 100% network up time.

Having an MSP is the opposite of the old ‘Break & Fix’ model, where when your network goes down, you wait and pay by the hour once somebody shows up to search out the problem and fix it.

How Long is a Managed Services Contract For?

Typical MSP contracts range from 1 year to 5 years and are extremely difficult to get out of. Among other steps involved it requires the client to document all incompetence or unsatisfactory work, as in a diary or journal, to show the MSP has not performed according to the contract. covary by provider. The inclusions and exclusions within each contract vary.

With IT Support LA, you’ll find a few things that make us different.

  • No Contracts: We have to earn your business every day. We offer a Master Service Agreement (MSA) which either party can cancel with 30 days’ notice.
  • No Hidden Fees: You won’t get blindsided half way into our agreement with balloon payments, hidden fees and other charges
  • Flexible Business Model: Whether your company is upsizing or in the unfortunate event downsizing, the flexibility of our Master Service Agreement allows you to adjust your IT coverage to your ongoing business needs.
  • No Contract HaaS (Hardware as a Service): We are the only IT company in the LA area that offers a hardware and licensing solution combined with our support with NO contract. We take all the risk from the beginning to build trust and establish a firm symbiotic relationship with our customers.

Who is a good candidate for Managed IT Services?

If you relate to any of these statements, chances are you are a good candidate for Managed IT Services from IT Support LA:

  • You just want the darn thing to work!
  • You didn’t go into your profession with the idea to become an IT guy later in your career.
  • You understand what it costs your company to NOT focus on your businesses’ priorities.
  • You’re sick and tired of dealing with rude, arrogant and know it all Techs who try to baffle you with GeekSpeak to get you to stop asking them questions.
  • You realize that it costs WAY more for your business to be down, than the cost of a few hours of tech support.
  • You’re done with finding, hiring and managing IT staff.
  • You realize that your business depends on IT technology and can’t be avoided (kind of like death and taxes).
  • You realize that Managed Services incentivizes your IT provider to fix issues right the first time, rather than profit off you by racking up the billable hours with temporary band aid fixes. Fixing things quickly saves us BOTH money.
  • You’ve been putting up with your current IT support issues because you didn’t want the hassle of changing to another support vendor, but it has become unavoidable. With IT Support LA, changing is a snap and will not disrupt your office.

Who is not a good candidate for Managed IT Services?

Signs you might NOT be a good candidate for Managed IT Services:

  • You are still using an abacus instead of a calculator (we can still help you, but you’ve got to recognize your problem and WANT to change).
  • You do not measure the performance of your business and its employees and don’t care how much money you are losing.
  • Your IT plan is to “keep the computers till the wheels fall off”, regardless of the risk of losing your mission critical information.
  • You enjoy work arounds for your work arounds, because you seek to make your life more difficult.
  • You don’t care how employees use business resources during work hours, regardless of the risk to you (lawsuits, viruses, downtime.
  • Your PC doubles as an ashtray (seen it and worse).
  • You might say “Well Jim’s son is pretty good with computers, he hopes to go into IT after High School, so I just call him.” (Would you be ok using him to help you with dental issues if he hoped to do that after High School?)

What are the benefits of Managed IT Services?

The biggest difference between Managed Services and contracted Standard IT services is Reactive vs Proactive. With a Standard IT services contract, when your systems are down, it quickly becomes a state of emergency: You call, and the IT person comes out and fixes it. That means your company is out of commission until the tech gets there, troubleshoots the system, diagnoses the problem and fixes it, racking up those billable hours. It also puts you in the precarious position of hoping your backup was successful, hoping that data hasn’t been corrupted by Viruses and Spyware and a litany of other “What If’s”.

Another big issue is there really is no incentive to keep your systems running efficiently and securely. In a Standard IT service contract, the IT person only gets paid when your system goes down. In a Managed Services contract, the IT Partner is incentivized to keep your systems running because they get paid a flat rate. It actually costs them more money to send a tech out, so as opposed to a standard IT person, the Managed Services Partner will do proactive maintenance and monitoring so they can predict problems before they affect your business. Managed Services is usually on a per computer basis, however IT Support LA will put together a plan unique to your office needs.



MDES – Online Services



Mississippi Deparment of Employment Security



I am already a registered online user

I want to use the MDES Online System:

If you are already a registered online user, your current user ID and password will provide you access to all services (Employment Services and Unemployment Services).

Employment Services

I want to:

  • Find available jobs
  • Apply for jobs
  • Job search and interview tips
  • Veteran Services
  • Training & Education Information
  • Equal Opportunity Information

Click here to proceed


Unemployment Insurance Services

I want to:

  • File a new claim for benefits
  • File a weekly certification and work search record
  • File an appeal
  • View my benefit payment status
  • View my claim details and correspondences
  • Update my personal information
  • Obtain my 1099G

Click here to proceed



Employer Services

I want to use the MDES Online System.

If you are already a registered online user, your current user ID and password will provide you access to all Employer Services.

  • New Third Party Agent
  • New Business Registration
  • Contact MDES about Tax Issues
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Unemployment Tax Information
  • Post Job Openings
  • Recruit Employees
  • New User Registration

Click here to proceed


I want to register to use the online system

I am new and want to use MDES’s online services.

If you are already a registered online user, your current user ID and password will provide you access to all services (Employment Services and Unemployment Services).

Create New User


SEO Tutorial

SEO Tutorial

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the activity of optimizing web pages or whole sites in order to make them search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.

This tutorial explains simple SEO techniques to improve the visibility of your web pages for different search engines, especially for Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the simple but effective SEO characteristics.

We assume you are aware of simple web technologies such as HTML, XHTML, Style Sheet, etc. If you already have developed any website, then it is an added advantage and it will help you understand the concepts of SEO explained in this tutorial.


2020 Reviews, Pricing Demo

About 3CX

3CX Phone System is an open standards communications solution, suitable for any sized business that wants all the features of an advanced contact center at a fraction of the cost. 3CX can take your business communications to the next level, helping to improve collaboration, boost productivity, increase mobility and enhance the customer experience. Installation and maintenance can be handled effortlessly by anyone, whether installed on-premises on Windows or Linux on an appliance or server, or in the cloud.


What is Information Technology with pictures

In the 1960s and 1970s, the term information technology (IT) was a little known phrase that was used by those who worked in places like banks and hospitals to describe the processes they used to store information. With the paradigm shift to computing technology and “paperless” workplaces, information technology has come to be a household phrase. It defines an industry that uses computers, networking, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit, and protect information.

In the early days of computer development, there was no such thing as a college degree in IT. Software development and computer programming were best left to the computer scientists and mathematical engineers, due to their complicated nature. As time passed and technology advanced, such as with the advent of the personal computer in the 1980s and its everyday use in the home and the workplace, the world moved into the information age.

By the early 21st century, nearly every child in the Western world, and many in other parts of the world, knew how to use a personal computer. Businesses’ information technology departments have gone from using storage tapes created by a single computer operator to interconnected networks of employee workstations that store information in a server farm, often somewhere away from the main business site. Communication has advanced, from physical postal mail, to telephone fax transmissions, to nearly instantaneous digital communication through electronic mail (email).

Great technological advances have been made since the days when computers were huge pieces of equipment that were stored in big, air conditioned rooms, getting their information from punch cards. The information technology industry has turned out to be a huge employer of people worldwide, as the focus shifts in some nations from manufacturing to service industries. It is a field where the barrier to entry is generally much lower than that of manufacturing, for example. In the current business environment, being proficient in computers is often a necessity for those who want to compete in the workplace.

Jobs in information technology are widely varied, although many do require some level of higher education. Positions as diverse as software designer, network engineer, and database administrator are all usually considered IT jobs. Nearly any position that involves the intersection of computers and information may be considered part of this field.


Information Technology IT Consulting Services

COVID-19 – An update to our clients

In the uncertain time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, I want to assure you that ScienceSoft remains fully operational and dedicated to supporting the continuity of our customers’ businesses. Most of ScienceSoft’s employees work remotely, and we’re equipped to provide our services in new conditions, with no impact on the quality of service or communication.

In the uncertain time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, I want to assure you that ScienceSoft remains fully operational and dedicated to supporting the continuity of our customers’ businesses. Most of ScienceSoft’s employees work remotely, and we’re equipped to provide our services in new conditions, with no impact on the quality of service or communication.

Stay safe and healthy,

Nikolay Kurayev,
Chief Executive Officer at ScienceSoft

Read more


How to Build Your Own Virtual Phone in Minutes

One question I see over and over and over again, is how to deal with your phone and number(s) when traveling a lot and switching SIM cards more often than some people change their underwear.

Luckily it’s easy to stay in touch with friends and family via other channels (Signal, Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, email, iMessage, Duo, Wire, to name a few options).

Still most of us need a static phone number for things like two-factor authentication with banks or other websites, logging into government portals, and many other purposes. You usually also need to supply a phone number when registering a company or buying domain names.

Many chat apps (e.g. Signal) still require you to log in with a phone number, which is annoying when you rarely keep the same number for long. Of course you could travel with an extra phone, but it gets annoying carrying around, keeping it charged, etc to only get the occasional message or call. Also, picking up the phone when you’re abroad is usually really expensive.

My solution for many years has been to use a service like Plivo to forward calls to my local number wherever I am at the moment. The cost is extremely low, usually less than $0.10 per minute, and even close to $0.02 sometimes—although there are some exceptions based on the country and carrier you are redirecting to. It’s completely free to receive text messages, and it’s extremely cheap to send them. Renting a phone number starts at $0.80 per month, and you can choose from dozens of countries.

Other alternatives include the more well known Twilio, but they are a bit more expensive and offer phone numbers from fewer countries.

The downside to these platforms is that they are really built for developers, not “regular” people. They are being used by the likes of Uber, Airbnb,, Netflix and other tech companies and startups of all sizes that need to send text messages, do phone verifications, and much more.

But fear not, that’s why I wrote this guide. By following the detailed steps below you will have your own virtual phone number up and running in minutes.

In this guide I will show you how to:

  • Register for Plivo and get your own virtual number
  • Forward incoming phone calls to any phone number in the world (using a simple tool I built for this guide)
  • Redirect incoming SMS to your email (using a free Zapier account)
  • Set up a way to reply to and send SMS with your number (using Zapier and Google Forms)

If you only need the number to forward calls, you can stop after the first section (very quick and easy).

If you don’t need to reply to text messages, you can stop after second section (takes a few minutes extra).

The final section is a bit longer, but it should be easy to complete by following the instructions below. If you have any questions, just let me know in the comments and I will help you out as best I can!

Ready? Let’s go!

1. Forwarding Calls

1.1. Sign up for Plivo

Sign up for Plivo if you don’t already have an account.

Sign up for Plivo if you don't already have an account.;

Fill the form and click Get Started!

Fill the form and click Get Started!;

Head to your inbox to confirm your email address.

Head to your inbox to confirm your email address.;

Click the confirmation link, then confirm your phone number when asked.

Click the confirmation link, then confirm your phone number when asked.;

Log in with the credentials you just created.

Log in with the credentials you just created.;

Click Send Code to request a confirmation code to your phone number and enter it below. Finally, click Verify Now.

Click Send Code to request a confirmation code to your phone number and enter it below. Finally, click Verify Now.;

After confirming your phone number you’ll be taken to your Plivo dashboard. Welcome!

After confirming your phone number you'll be taken to your Plivo dashboard. Welcome!;

1.2. Add our Plivo application

(1) Select Voice from the dropdown, (2) give your application a descriptive name, (3) set the Answer Method to GET, and (4) put[YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER]. (5) Finally click Add Application.

(1) Select Voice from the dropdown, (2) give your application a descriptive name, (3) set the Answer Method to GET, and (4) put[YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER]. (5) Finally click Add Application.;Replace [YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER] with the phone number you want to redirect the calls to. It can be in any country you'd like. Include your country code, but not the leading plus. So if your number is +1 (415) 678-9000, the Answer URL would be

Replace [YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER] with the phone number you want to redirect the calls to. It can be in any country you’d like. Include your country code, but not the leading plus. So if your number is +1 (415) 678-9000, the Answer URL would be

1.3. Purchase your virtual phone number

Before purchasing a number you need to upgrade your account from a Trial account to a Standard account. Do that by adding a Credit Card and topping your account up with $25 or more.

Before purchasing a number you need to upgrade your account from a Trial account to a Standard account. Do that by adding a Credit Card and topping your account up with $25 or more.;

(1) Select Phone Numbers from the dropdown, (2) click Buy New Number, (3) enter your desired country, filters, etc and click Search. When you find a number you like, (4) click Buy Number.

(1) Select Phone Numbers from the dropdown, (2) click Buy New Number, (3) enter your desired country, filters, etc and click Search. When you find a number you like, (4) click Buy Number.;Note: Not all countries' phone numbers support both voice and text. You can filter for that by clicking Show Filters and making the appropriate selections. If you don't care which country your number is from, I suggest picking a US one. They are both cheap ($0.80 per month) and if you want to send t
ext messages to US number via Plivo you can only do it from another US number. There are no such restrictions when sending messages to the rest of the world. Note: Not all countries’ phone numbers support both voice and text. You can filter for that by clicking Show Filters and making the appropriate selections. If you don’t care which country your number is from, I suggest picking a US one. They are both cheap ($0.80 per month) and if you want to send text messages to US number via Plivo you can only do it from another US number. There are no such restrictions when sending messages to the rest of the world.

Click Buy Number

Click Buy Number;

Click Setup Number

Click Setup Number;

(1) Give your number a descriptive name, (2) Select your new application, and (3) save your changes.

(1) Give your number a descriptive name, (2) Select your new application, and (3) save your changes.;And you're done setting up the forwarding of your virtual number! Try giving your new number a ring! If you want to add SMS support to your number, continue reading... And you’re done setting up the forwarding of your virtual number! Try giving your new number a ring! If you want to add SMS support to your number, continue reading…

2. Receiving SMS

2.1 Sign up for Zapier & create your Zap

(1) Fill out the signup form, then (2) click Sign Up.

(1) Fill out the signup form, then (2) click Sign Up.;

Click Make a Zap!

Click Make a Zap!;

Search for webhooks and select the Webhooks by Zapier option from the list.

Search for webhooks and select the Webhooks by Zapier option from the list.;

(1) Select Catch Hook,  (2) then click the Save + Continue button

(1) Select Catch Hook,  (2) then click the Save + Continue button;

Click Continue

Click Continue;

(1) Check the box, then (2) click Continue.

(1) Check the box, then (2) click Continue.;

Copy the webhook URL, then return to Plivo for a moment.

Copy the webhook URL, then return to Plivo for a moment.;

2.2. Add Zap URL to your Plivo application

(1) Make sure you’re either on the Voice or SMS application page, (2) then select your application.

(1) Make sure you're either on the Voice or SMS application page, (2) then select your application.;

(1) Paste the URL from Zapier into the Message URL field, and (2) click Edit Application.

(1) Paste the URL from Zapier into the Message URL field, and (2) click Edit Application.;

Pick up your phone and send an SMS to your Plivo number.

Pick up your phone and send an SMS to your Plivo number.;

2.3. Finish setting up your Zap

Return to Zapier and click the Ok, I did this button

Return to Zapier and click the Ok, I did this button;

Verify that the message looks OK, and click Continue

Verify that the message looks OK, and click Continue;

Seach for email and select the Email by Zapier option.

Seach for email and select the Email by Zapier option.;

Select Send Outbound Email and click Save + Continue

Select Send Outbound Email and click Save + Continue;

(1) Type the subject line you want for your new SMS notifications, and (2) click the Ingredients list to add (3) the number of the sender to the subject line as well (click the From option).

(1) Type the subject line you want for your new SMS notifications, and (2) click the Ingredients list to add (3) the number of the sender to the subject line as well (click the From option).;

In the Body field, begin by adding the Text ingredient.

In the Body field, begin by adding the Text ingredient.;

Add the From ingredient to the From Name field

Add the From ingredient to the From Name field;

Click Continue

Click Continue;

Click the Send Test To Email by Zapier button

Click the Send Test To Email by Zapier button;

Click the Finish button

Click the Finish button;

Check your email inbox to verify that you got the notification.

Check your email inbox to verify that you got the notification.;

(1) Give your Zap a descriptive name, (2) switch it ON.

(1) Give your Zap a descriptive name, (2) switch it ON.;

There are quite a few possible ways of building our reply functionality.

We will be using Google Forms in this guide for two simple reasons:

  • It is free
  • Most people already have a Google account

Two better options include Typeform (300 EUR/year) and Paperform ($15 per m
onth). Both would allow you to:

  • Hide the phone number fields (which would be auto-populated in the background), so you only had to see the message field.
  • Send instant replies. Both support “instant” Zapier triggers, meaning your text messages would be sent and received in a matter of seconds. Google Form doesn’t support this currently, which means a text message will take up to 15 minutes to be delivered.

But unless you already have paid accounts with Typeform or Paperform (or could use it for more purposes), I’d suggest going with the free Google Forms option.

Head to Google Forms ( and select the Blank option.

Head to Google Forms ( and select the Blank option.;

(1) Give your form a name, (2) call the first field From, (3) click the dropdown, and (4) select the Short answer option.

(1) Give your form a name, (2) call the first field From, (3) click the dropdown, and (4) select the Short answer option.;

(1) Make the question Required, (2+3) add Response validation, and set it to accept (4) a Number taht’s (5) Greater than (6) 0. Finally, (7) click the Duplicate icon.

(1) Make the question Required, (2+3) add Response validation, and set it to accept (4) a Number taht's (5) Greater than (6) 0. Finally, (7) click the Duplicate icon.;

(1) Give the new question the name To. (2) Click Duplicate.

(1) Give the new question the name To. (2) Click Duplicate.;

(1) Name the final question Message, and (2) select the Paragraph type. (3) Click Responses.

(1) Name the final question Message, and (2) select the Paragraph type. (3) Click Responses.;

(1) Click the green Create Spreadsheet button, (2) give the spreadsheet a name, and (3) click Create.

(1) Click the green Create Spreadsheet button, (2) give the spreadsheet a name, and (3) click Create.;

(1) Click the More button in the top right, then (2) Get pre-filled link.

(1) Click the More button in the top right, then (2) Get pre-filled link.;

(1) Enter 1234 in the From field, and (2) 4321 in the To field. (3) Click the Get Link button.

(1) Enter 1234 in the From field, and (2) 4321 in the To field. (3) Click the Get Link button.;

Click Copy Link

Click Copy Link;

Return to Zapier, and the (1) Edit Template step. In the Body field, after the Text ingredient, (2+3) start writing

Return to Zapier, and the (1) Edit Template step. In the Body field, after the Text ingredient, (2+3) start writing

(1) Mark the part of the URL that’s 1234, (2) click the ingredients list and (3) replace it with the To variable from the dropdown.

(1) Mark the part of the URL that's 1234, (2) click the ingredients list and (3) replace it with the To variable from the dropdown.;

Do the same for the 4321 part of the URL, and replace it with the From ingredient.

Do the same for the 4321 part of the URL, and replace it with the From ingredient.;

Finally, add >Reply to the end of the Body field (after “).

Finally, add Reply to the end of the Body field;

Click Continue, Re-test This Step, then Send Test To Email by Zapier

Click Continue, Re-test This Step, then Send Test To Email by Zapier;

Sweet! In the email you now should have received you can see the Reply link. Click it!

Sweet! In the email you now should have received you can see the Reply link. Click it!;

The From and To fields should be pre-filled with the correct phone numbers, so don’t change them. Just (1) enter your Message and (2)click Submit.

The From and To fields should be pre-filled with the correct phone numbers, so don't change them. Just (1) enter your Message and (2)click Submit.;

Sweet! But we still need to set up one more Zap for the message to actually send!

Sweet! But we still need to set up one more Zap for the message to actually send!;Return to Zapier...Return to Zapier…

From your Zapier dashboard, click the Make a Zap! button.

From your Zapier dashboard, click the Make a Zap! button.;

Search for form and select Google Forms from the result list.

Search for form and select Google Forms from the result list.;

Select New Response in Spreadsheet and click the Save + Continue button.

Select New Response in Spreadsheet and click the Save + Continue button.;

Click Connect an Account

Click Connect an Account;

Select the Google Account you used to create your Google Form

Select the Google Account you used to create your Google Form;

Click Allow

Click Allow;

Click the Save + Continue button

Click the Save + Continue button;

In the Spreadsheet field, add the form you just created from dropdown.

In the Spreadsheet field, add the form you just created from dropdown.;

In the Worksheet field, select Form Responses 1 from the dropdown. Finish by clicking Continue.

In the Worksheet field, select Form Responses 1 from the dropdown. Finish by clicking Continue.;

Click the Fetch & Continue button to get the message you just submitted.

Click the Fetch & Continue button to get the message you just submitted.;

Once it’s done loading, you should see your message in the results. Click Set up this step to continue.

Once it's done loading, you should see your message in the results. Click Set up this step to continue.;

Search for web and select Webhooks by Zapier from the dropdown.

Search for web and select Webhooks by Zapier from the dropdown.;

Select POST, then click the Save + Continue button

Select POST, then click the Save + Continue button;

Return to your Plivo dashboard for a moment. (1) Click the Plivo logo if you’re on some other page. You’ll need both your Auth ID (2), and your Auth Token (4). To show the token, (3) click the eye icon.

Return to your Plivo dashboard for a moment. (1) Click the Plivo logo if you're on some other page. You'll need both your Auth ID (2), and your Auth Token (4). To show the token, (3) click the eye icon.;

In the URL field, enter[YOUR_AUTH_ID]/Message/

In the URL field, enter with the the Auth ID you found in Plivo. Replace [YOUR_AUTH_ID] with the the Auth ID you found in Plivo.

Select Json as the Payload Type

Select Json as the Payload Type;

Click the + icon twice to add two more Data rows. Enter src, dst, and text, respectivly in each row of the leftmost column. Then add the from ingredient next to src, to next to dst, and message next to text.

Click the + icon twice to add two more Data rows. Enter src, dst, and text, respectivly in each row of the leftmost column. Then add the from ingredient next to src, to next to dst, and message next to text.;

In the Basic Auth field, add [YOUR_AUTH_ID]|[YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN]. Click the Continue button.

In the Basic Auth field, add YOUR_AUTH_ID YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN. Click the Continue button. Replace [YOUR_AUTH_ID] and [YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN] with the values you found in Plivo. The character between them is a “pipe”. If you’re unsure how to type that on your keyboard, just copy this symbol: | Be careful to make sure that there are no spaces anywhere in this field.

Click the Send Test To Webhooks by Zapier button.

Click the Send Test To Webhooks by Zapier button.;

Check the SMS app on your phone, you should have received the reply now from your virtual Plivo number.

Check the SMS app on your phone, you should have received the reply now from your virtual Plivo number.;

Click Finish

Click Finish;

Give your Zap a suitable name and turn it ON. Finally click See it on your dashboard.

Give your Zap a suitable name and turn it ON. Finally click See it on your dashboard.;

Normally it takes up to 15 minutes for a message to be sent this way (since Google Form lacks “instant” Zap support). But if you need to send a message more quickly, you can always return to your Zapier dashboard and manually Run the Zap after completing the Google Form.

Normally it takes up to 15 minutes for a message to be sent this way (since Google Form lacks instant Zap support). But if you need to send a message more quickly, you can always return to your Zapier dashboard and manually Run the Zap after completing the Google Form.;

Congrats! You’ve just built your own fully featured virtual phone!

Everything should be running automatically now. Plivo will send you an email if you’re running low on credits. Zapier will give you 100 task credits per month, enough to send or receive 100 messages.

Leave a message below or in the Nomad Gate community if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.


6 Ways to Use a Virtual Phone Number


Virtual phone numbers tend to still be a little esoteric, even though people who are running a business usually have some idea of what they are. In reality, there isn’t too much difference between a virtual phone number and a regular phone number, and in fact, it’s helpful to think of a virtual number simply as a regular number that happens to be hosted by a virtual service provider. Here’s what you can do with your virtual phone number.

Make Calls

Make Calls

Even though a virtual number is not attached to a phone, you can make outbound calls from your existing phones, while showing your virtual number on the caller ID (as part of a virtual phone system like Talkroute).

Receive Calls

Receive Calls

People can dial your virtual phone number to reach you just like any other phone number, and the experience is exactly the same for the caller. The only difference is that, when the call comes in through your virtual number, it is then immediately routed to your phones and begins to ring those phones.

Send & Receive Text Messages

Send & Receive Text Messages

Text messaging can also be enabled on a virtual number. To your customers, it appears and functions exactly like normal text messaging, and to you, it’s actually augmented. Depending on what texting service you are using, not only can you send and receive texts normally, but you can also manage and organize your messages.

Transfer it to Any Carrier

Transfer it to Any Carrier

The FCC protects your right to keep your current phone number, and this applies to virtual numbers, too. This means that if you leave your virtual service and want to keep your number, then you can port it out to a cell phone, landline, or even VoIP carrier. It is a real phone number; we only call it a “virtual” number if it is currently hosted by a virtual phone service.

Add Extensions

Add Extensions

As part of a virtual phone system, you can even add traditional extensions in the same way that you would with a conventional wired office system, and they can be assigned to individuals or departments.

Add a Menu

Add a Menu

Making it sound professional is a top priority when setting up a phone system, which is why you may want the use of a Call Menu, or auto attendant, so that your callers can press a number and be connected to the right person. Fortunately, this feature can easily be added to a virtual phone number.



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40 ways to fix your PC before you call an



Here in this blog, you will read about how to fix hardware problems of your pc at home before you need to call an expert. Follow these steps to fix you pc’s hardware issues:


Sometimes it happens that your pc’s devices are malfunctioning and not your pc. So, you should check you pc first. Use another computer to test your malfunctioning mouse/camera/printer, or just another USB port, to help you work out where the fault lies. If the problem vanishes,it’s not the device itself that’s to blame.


Head to the manufacturer’s website and hunt down the latest drivers and/or firmware for your device — installing these driver updates will replace damaged files, add the latest bug fixes and improve compatibility with other hardware and software.


Windows and devices themselves sometimes install new drivers without asking and these occasionally cause problems. To roll back to a previous version, find the hardware in question in Device Manager, right-click and choose Properties and open the Driver tab.


Staying in Device Manager — there’s an Uninstall option that will remove all traces of the hardware in question from your system. Reboot and reattach the device to launch the installation process from scratch, which may resolve your issue.

Update, roll back and uninstall drivers from Device Manager.


It’s not easy to tell when your memory is failing you and it doesn’t happen often — intermittent system instability and software crashes are the usual signs. A decent memory diagnostics tester like MemTest86+ can help by scanning the installed modules and alerting you to any potential issues.


Modern hard drives have something known as SMART (Self Monitoring And Reporting Technology) built into them. It’s a standardised technology the disks use to report their status and general health back to Windows. Plenty of free applications can read and report this SMART data — HDD Health is one example, which also supports SSD drives — and they will display warning signs if you need to buy a replacement drive in the near future.


Windows has its own disk-checking tool that looks for problems on your installed hard drives — right-click on a drive in Windows Explorer, choose Properties and then the Tools tab to find it.


Problems with the display can be caused by the graphics card, the monitor itself or the connecting cable (if you’re not using a laptop). Using a spare cable (if available) or switching to on-board graphics (again, if available) can help you work out exactly which link in the chain is the one going wrong. If your monitor or screen is found to be faulty, there’s not much you can do except dig out the warranty or pay a visit to the local repair shop.


You don’t have to be a PC-building expert to take a peek under the case — just make sure you ground yourself to remove any static electricity first, and unplug the computer from the mains. Check for loose connections and screws or an excessive build-up of dust (a can of compressed air can help here). Laptops are less easy to poke around in, but some do allow access to the memory and hard drive, so you can check these connections. You may find more guidance from the manufacturer’s website or the supplied documentation.


Unfortunately, there are times when there’s just nothing you can do, and you have to accept that your hard drive or power supply unit is kaput. It’s vital that you have backups of your important files and folders, and there’s no shortage of services willing to help out — Google Drive, SkyDrive, Dropbox and Backblaze, to name just a few.




Software problems

26. Updates
Has the program you’re struggling with made an update available? Perhaps to support new hardware or operating system features? It’s worth checking via the developer’s website or the built-in update tool that most software has, though the majority of updates now install automatically.

27. Re-install
If problems persist, strip out all traces of the program in question using a third-party uninstaller — Revo Uninstaller will do the job for free — then start the installation process again from scratch with a fresh download or the original discs. Why? It ensures any corrupt or damaged files are replaced and all of the software’s settings are reset.

28. Plug-ins
Bear in mind that the problem may not lie with the software itself but with one of the program’s plug-ins or extensions — try disabling these add-ons one by one to see if the issue is resolved.

40 tips for fixing almost any PC problem: plugins

40 tips for fixing almost any PC problem: plugins

Plug-ins and add-ons are at the root of a lot of software problems.

29. Clean up
Many applications will create caches of temporary files that can occasionally interfere with program behaviour — look for an option that will wipe these files. CCleaner is a handy third-party freeware utility that cleans up temporary files for many different applications.

30. Conflicting programs
Is the troublesome application having problems because of another program on the system? This can be particularly common with security tools that try and do the same thing at the same time. Try temporarily disabling other programs that might be causing interference.

Internet problems

31. Find the fault
First step: find where the problem is. Check if you can connect to the web on other computers and devices. Ideally plug a laptop into the router directly and run the router’s built-in testing diagnostics — your ISP may be experiencing issues. If there’s only one PC that can’t get online, there’s likely to be a problem with its network adaptor or settings.

32. Adaptor problems
If you suspect the adaptor is to blame (a wireless USB dongle, for example), check the hardware tips above. Try updating the adaptor’s driver, uninstalling and reinstalling, or simply plugging it in another USB port.

33. Update firmware
It’s possible there’s a firmware update for the router that you’re using, though some ISPs frown on users taking this much control over their network setup. The best place to start looking is the customer forums for your ISP, where you should find details of which free router you’ve been lumbered with and how you can update its firmware.

34. Reboots all round
The reboot process is something of a troubleshooting cliche, but that’s because it often
works — turn the router off for 30-60 seconds to re-establish the connection and reset the router. Reboot your PC for good measure to attempt to connect again.

35. Change channels
Routers typically share the same frequency as other devices, like microwaves and baby monitors, which can slow down your connection — either move other wireless devices away, or change the channel used by your router (see the router settings for help with doing this).

40 tips for fixing almost any PC problem: channels

40 tips for fixing almost any PC problem: channels

Switching to a different router channel could fix slow broadband speeds.

36. Is it down?
If you’re having issues with a particular site, look it up on — the problem may not be at your end. Note that if something large scale suffers a failure — like Amazon’s S3 storage — it can affect many different sites and services at once.

37. Network management
Delve into the Network and Sharing Centre in Windows to make sure there aren’t multiple programs trying to manage your wireless connection. Laptop manufacturers will often bundle their own network management software with their machines, which is fine as long as these applications aren’t trying to work concurrently with Windows’ own utilities.

38. Browser woes
Switching to an alternative browser is a simple way to test if your Internet-related problems are being caused by your favourite browser. If the browser is to blame, try some of the software tips I mentioned earlier, and take a long hard look at the plug-ins and extensions.

39. Firewall settings
Firewalls can be temperamental and might be blocking the site, service or program you’re trying to use. Consult the incoming and outgoing settings when you’ve found them (if you’re using the Windows Firewall, head to Control Panel). If you’re struggling to get online with a particular game or networking tool, you might find instructions for allowing firewall access in the supplied documentation.

40 tips for fixing almost any PC problem: firewall

40 tips for fixing almost any PC problem: firewall

Some networking tools and games will need special firewall permissions.

40. View connections
Head into the Network and Sharing Centre to make sure your PC is trying to connect using the right connection (wireless versus wired, for example). While all of this should configure itself automatically, rogue programs or security tools can make changes they shouldn’t. There are also some troubleshooters built into the Network and Sharing Centre, which are surprisingly useful.




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