Trending topics
Work & learn remotely
Microsoft Teams video training
Tips for remote learning and teaching
Connect to a VPN in Windows 10
Introducing Microsoft 365
A collection of powerful productivity apps you can use anywhere. Organize your life, expand your creativity, and protect what’s important.
Learning and training
Microsoft 365 Training Center
Get productive quickly with these Microsoft 365 videos, tutorials, and resources.
Remote teaching and learning
Access the tools you need for classroom management and student engagement whether you’re in the classroom or connecting remotely.
Microsoft Tips
Explore the latest tips to get the most from your Microsoft products.
Work remotely with Microsoft 365
Collaborate with others seamlessly and get more done with Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365.
What’s new in Microsoft 365
As a Microsoft 365 subscriber, you always get the latest features. Discover what’s new and improved today.
What’s new in Windows 10
Windows updates will help you manage your time, increase security, and get more creative with Windows 10.
Learn more about accessibility features and personalize your PC settings.
Family activities templates
Connect with your children, family, or friends with a collection of free activities that everyone can enjoy.