Download SQL Server Management Studio SSMS

  • 04/07/2020

APPLIES TO: YesSQL Server YesAzure SQL Database YesAzure Synapse Analytics (SQL DW) NoParallel Data Warehouse

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure, from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database. SSMS provides tools to configure, monitor, and administer instances of SQL Server and databases. Use SSMS to deploy, monitor, and upgrade the data-tier components used by your applications, and build queries and scripts.

Use SSMS to query, design, and manage your databases and data warehouses, wherever they are – on your local computer, or in the cloud.

SSMS is free!

download Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

SSMS 18.5 is the latest general availability (GA) version of SSMS. If you have a previous GA version of SSMS 18 installed, installing SSMS 18.5 upgrades it to 18.5.

Version information

  • Release number: 18.5
  • Build number: 15.0.18330.0
  • Release date: April 07, 2020

If you have comments or suggestions, or you want to report issues, the best way to contact the SSMS team is at UserVoice.

The SSMS 18.x installation doesn’t upgrade or replace SSMS versions 17.x or earlier. SSMS 18.x installs side by side with previous versions, so both versions are available for use. However, if you have a preview version of SSMS 18.x installed, you must uninstall it before installing SSMS 18.5. You can see if you have the preview version by going to the Help > About window.

If a computer contains side-by-side installations of SSMS, verify you start the correct version for your specific needs. The latest version is labeled Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18


If you are accessing this page from a non-English language version, and want to see the most up-to-date content, please visit the US-English version of the site. You can download different languages from the US-English version site by selecting available languages.

Available languages

This release of SSMS can be installed in the following languages:

SQL Server Management Studio 18.5:
Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | English (United States) | French | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese (Brazil) | Russian | Spanish


The SQL Server PowerShell module is a separate install through the PowerShell Gallery. For more information, see Download SQL Server PowerShell Module.

What’s new

For details and more information about what’s new in this release, see SSMS release notes.

There are a few known issues with this release.

Previous versions

This article is for the latest version of SSMS only. To download previous versions of SSMS, visit Previous SSMS releases.

Unattended install

You can also install SSMS using a command prompt script.

If you want to install SSMS in the background with no GUI prompts, then follow the steps below.

  1. Launch the command prompt with elevated permissions.

  2. Type the command below in the command prompt.

    start “” /Quiet SSMSInstallRoot=


    start “” %systemdrive%SSMSfromSSMS-Setup-ENU.exe /Quiet SSMSInstallRoot=%systemdrive%SSMSto

    You can also pass /Passive instead of /Quiet to see the setup UI.

  3. If all goes well, you can see SSMS installed at %systemdrive%SSMStoCommon7IDESsms.exe” based on the example. If something went wrong, you could inspect the error code returned and take a peek at the %TEMP%SSMSSetup for the log file.

Supported SQL offerings (SSMS 18.5)

  • This version of SSMS works with all supported versions of SQL Server 2008 – SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and provides the greatest level of support for working with the latest cloud features in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
  • Additionally, SSMS 18.x can be installed side by side with SSMS 17.x, SSMS 16.x, or SQL Server 2014 SSMS and earlier.
  • SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) – SSMS version 17.x or later doesn’t support connecting to the legacy SQL Server Integration Services service. To connect to an earlier version of the legacy Integration Services, use the version of SSMS aligned with the version of SQL Server. For example, use SSMS 16.x to connect to the legacy SQL Server 2016 Integration Services service. SSMS 17.x and SSMS 16.x can be installed side by side on the same computer. Since the release of SQL Server 2012, the SSIS Catalog database, SSISDB, is the recommended way to store, manage, run, and monitor Integration Services packages. For details, see SSIS Catalog.

Supported operating systems (SSMS 18.5)

This release of SSMS supports the following 64-bit platforms when used with the latest available service pack:

  • Windows 10 (64-bit) *
  • Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) *
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

* Requires version 1607 (10.0.14393) or later


SSMS runs on Windows (AMD or Intel) only. If you need a tool that runs on platforms other than Windows, take a look at Azure Data Studio. Azure Data Studio is a new cross-platform tool that runs on macOS, Linux, as well as Windows. For details, see Azure Data Studio.

See also

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Seo or SEO  – is a short for Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimizer.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.

It is common practice for Internet users to not click through pages and pages of search results in search engine, so where a website ranks in a search result is essential for directing more traffic toward the site. The higher a website ranks in organic results of a search engine, the greater the chance that that site will be visited by a user.

SEO is typically a set of “white hat” best practices that webmasters and Web content producers follow to help them achieve a better ranking in search engine results.

SEO Technology

Steps to design and develop SEO-Oriented website

Quality Content – Search engine spiders, crawl the net to find – Content! Your site has information that you want the spiders to see and include in their index (Search Engine). By the creation and publication of quality content, you give the search engine bots more reason to return. You should be finding creative ways to get your content noticed and viewed as well as finding creative ways to publish fresh content on a regular basis.

Images Size – Image size is another important thing to design a SEO-Oriented website. You can choose a shorter sized image whenever you need an image so it will not take more time to browse your website.

Meta Tags – You can choose appropriate Title, Description and Keywords according to content of that webpage you are designing.

Avoid Flash and JavaScript – Problem with the two technologies is that the spiders can’t index through them because these take long time to browse a website. Avoid or limit your use of these technologies.

Articles – Use article content that will not be similar with other website content. It will harmful for business purpose site.

Heading tags – Heading tags from H1 to Hn having importance, most of search engine spider can easily index content of webpage that having appropriate heading tags.

Bold or Italic keyword – You can put important keyword or links or content of a page as bold or italic or emphasized.

Anchor tags – You can use anchor tag for particular outbound or inbound links from your webpage.

Alt tag for image –You can use alt tags for images that is like as description of your image.

Link Exchange – Back links are a popular way to increase your rankings fast in the search engines.There are two types of links in SEO process

  1. Reciprocal
  2. Non Reciprocal

In reciprocal link Exchange if any one person will give a link from his site to your site then you have a responsibility to give a back link to his site from your site link pages. You can give a hypertext for links pages from your site’s home page so links can be easily reciprocate from those links pages.

In Non Reciprocal link Exchange process there is no need to give a link back to a site in response to his link.

For Dynamic Web Pages – For Dynamically created pages you can choose keyword, title and description according to product category and services, and for searching products you can choose global keyword and title so it will suitable for every product like as “search string ”,products search ,people search, search on site name. 


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